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Simplifying Success: The Power of Focusing on What Really Matters

March 12, 20249 min read

Transform Your Small Business with Practical Steps to Boost Growth

A few years ago, while working on the strategic plan for a large company, I hit a wall. We were refreshing the plan during a crucial moment. We were at a crossroads, facing a decision that would ripple across continents and affect hundreds of our team members. The recommendations and supporting data were all over the place; frankly, so was my head. It felt like being stuck in a maze with no exit in sight. That's until a mentor I deeply respected shared a nugget of wisdom that changed everything. She said, "Focus on the work." Initially, it sounded overly simple and not all that helpful. But, as I said, I deeply respect this mentor, so I spent time thinking about what she was trying to tell me. The more I reflected on it, the more profound the concept was for me. Suddenly, the path forward became clear. 

This advice didn't just help me with that challenge; it has influenced nearly everything I do since she shared it with me. While it is valuable in big companies, its impact is even more profound in small to medium-sized businesses. Here, a clear focus and an accurate strategic direction aren’t just important—they can be the difference between achieving your dreams and shuttering the doors. 

The Maze of Misdirection

Navigating the complexities of business can often feel overwhelming, especially for small- to medium-sized business owners. Imagine running your business, tackling daily challenges, managing market fluctuations, and overseeing every small detail. It's too easy to get lost in the hustle and lose sight of what drives your business forward.

Many fall into the trap of focusing too much on their organization's structure—the org chart seems tangible, easy to understand, and offers a sense of control. However, the reality is more complex. While an organizational structure provides a framework, it may not always reflect how work flows and adapts to changes. The business environment is ever-evolving, driven by market demands, team dynamics, and technological advancements. As these shifts occur, the work within the business adapts swiftly to meet these new challenges and opportunities. Meanwhile, the org chart, by its nature, tends to update more slowly, creating a lag between the structure on paper and the real-time dynamics of the business operation. This discrepancy can make the org chart a misleading guide.

It's common, and indeed heartwarming, to say that your business is all about the people. And it is. People bring your business to life. However, this belief rests on the assumption that the purpose of your business and how it achieves this purpose is well-defined, and everyone knows their role. Without this clarity, even the most dedicated team can struggle to navigate the maze.

In the midst of these challenges, a clear opportunity emerges: focus directly on the work being done. The true essence of your business lies in its systems and processes—the real drivers of your operations. Unlike the org chart, these elements are designed to adapt more closely and quickly to the evolving nature of your work. By prioritizing these core tasks, you navigate through distractions and align your business's actions with its mission. This method ensures your foundation remains solid, your strategy responsive, and your progress toward goals clear and quantifiable. When systems and processes evolve with the work, your business maintains a robust and accurate understanding of how it fulfills its mission, even as the landscape changes.

As we delve deeper, we'll explore why centering on the work is crucial for small to medium-sized businesses eager to enhance their decision-making and execution. This shift in focus from a rigid org chart to the fluidity of work can transform how you see and manage your business.

The Shift: Why the Work Comes First

Forget the fancy titles and complex organizational hierarchies. When we talk about "the work," we're diving into what propels your business forward—the essential activities directly linked to your bottom line and overall success. This encompasses all vital functions, from product development and customer service to marketing and sales.

So, why should work take precedence? It forms the bedrock of your business, naturally adapting to the changes in your business faces.  A clear picture of the work will guide everything else, from strategy to execution. Focusing on the work and ensuring your systems and processes align with it creates a domino effect; strategic planning, decision-making, and organizational structure naturally fall into place. This approach helps avoid the distraction of less meaningful constructs, concentrating your energy on what truly advances your business.

Focusing on the work isn’t just a route to greater efficiency; it’s a pathway to deeper clarity. It gives you a clearer view of your business’s essential functions, empowering you to make informed decisions and allocate resources precisely. This clarity simplifies decision-making and fortifies your strategy, ensuring your business remains agile and responsive to change.

The following section will uncover practical steps SMB owners can take to cultivate a work-centric model. This strategy sets a strong foundation for enhanced decision-making and execution, ensuring systems and processes remain tightly aligned with the evolving nature of the work.

Practical Steps Toward a Work-Centric Model

Embracing a work-centric model means getting to the core of what moves your business forward. Here are straightforward steps to make this insight a reality:

Evaluate Your Core Operations: Begin by thoroughly evaluating your business. Which activities are essential to your success? How are your resources distributed? Identifying inefficiencies and distractions is the first step toward realignment. Understanding your current operations is crucial to pinpointing where changes are needed.

Define Your Objectives: What are your goals with a focus on the core work? Clearly outline what you aim to achieve and the milestones along the way. This clarity will serve as your team's compass, ensuring everyone moves in the same direction.

Share Your Vision: Make sure your team understands the importance of this shift. Explain how focusing on core activities aligns with the broader business goals. Open communication is key—encourage questions, feedback, and shared ownership of this new direction.

Implement and Act: With the groundwork laid, it's time to act. Apply what you've planned by aligning your strategies, refining your processes, and tackling tasks that directly impact your goals. Breaking down your action plan into manageable pieces will help maintain momentum.

Review and Adjust: Stay agile. Keep a close eye on how these changes impact your business, and be ready to adjust as needed. The goal is continuous improvement, ensuring your work-centric model evolves with your business.

Track the Right Metrics: Shift your focus from mere activity to impact. Develop indicators that truly reflect the progress and success of your core operations. This focus will help steer your decisions and refine your strategy based on performance.

Foster a Culture of Focus: Cultivating a work-centric culture means building an environment where the primary focus is on what truly matters. Encourage a mindset of clarity and purpose, where every team member is committed to the business's core goals.

These steps will guide your small to medium-sized business toward a more focused, efficient, and successful operation. A work-centric approach clarifies what needs to be done and aligns your team's efforts with the most impactful tasks.

Navigating Forward with Clarity

With a deeper understanding of the importance of focusing on core work and the steps to implement a work-centric model, we can see how this strategy clears the path ahead for small to medium-sized businesses.

Streamlined Decision-Making: Centering on core work simplifies choices. Knowing your business's key priorities allows you to evaluate opportunities and challenges more effectively, leading to decisions that directly support your goals.

Optimized Resource Use: By zeroing in on essential tasks, your resource allocation becomes more intentional. This focus ensures efforts and investments are channeled into areas with the highest return, enhancing efficiency and outcomes.

Efficient Execution: A commitment to core work cultivates a unified purpose. It streamlines collaboration as every team member understands their role in the broader mission, enabling smoother, more effective project completion.

Trackable Progress: Establish metrics that reflect the impact of core activities on your goals. This focus on relevant outcomes helps monitor your journey, celebrate achievements, and identify opportunities for strategy refinement.

Flexibility and Quick Adaptation: The agility afforded by a work-centric approach is invaluable in a rapidly changing market. An intimate understanding of your foundational work allows for nimble shifts in strategy, ensuring your business stays competitive.

By embracing this clarity-driven path, small to medium-sized businesses can navigate toward sustained success. Committing to a focus on core work underpins informed decision-making, efficient resource use, effective execution, and the agility to adapt to new challenges.

Taking the First Step

Beginning the shift toward a work-centric business model is a significant yet manageable endeavor.

Identify Your Core Work: Dedicate time to pinpoint the activities that form the heart of your business. What tasks are crucial for delivering value and driving success? Document these and rank them by their impact on your objectives.

This initial step is foundational, creating a laser focus on what’s truly important. By defining your core work, you illuminate the growth path, ensuring your business's efforts are aligned with its most critical goals.


Like my moment of clarity, while navigating a large company's strategic challenges, you might face a similar crossroads in your entrepreneurial journey. Business success isn’t always a straight path; it’s filled with complexities and unexpected turns.

However, the wisdom shared by a mentor to focus on the work has been a game-changer for me. It can help any business, especially small to medium-sized ones. This approach isn’t about overlooking the importance of your team or the structure you've built; it’s about enhancing it. By defining and prioritizing the processes and systems that drive your business, you create a solid foundation everyone can understand and rally behind.

This doesn’t mean your organization's structure or people are less important. But to give your team the best chance at success, the purpose of your business and the way you aim to achieve it need to be as clear and tangible as the roles everyone plays. Making "the work" tangible means breaking down what each part of your business does into understandable, actionable pieces. It means ensuring everyone knows their tasks and how they contribute to the larger goal.

You can shift focus from the abstract to the concrete, making "the work" something everyone can see, understand, and drive forward together. It’s about setting clear goals, aligning your team, and making strategic decisions based on the core activities that truly matter.

Remember, embarking on a journey toward a more focused and purposeful business model isn’t about sprinting to the finish line; it’s a marathon. By starting today to emphasize and clarify the work at the heart of your business, you’re paving the way for long-term growth and success. Let the principle of focusing on the work guide you and your team to a brighter, more prosperous future.

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